Thursday, June 25, 2009


Like Superman, who is able to leap tall buildings in a single bound, let us introduce "SUPERGIRL!" Well, actually... I think it may be "SUPERGIRLS!" It seems as though our daughters have taken an interest in acrobats... and like to test their strength, endurance, and climbing abilities by scaling their cribs.

At first it was just to "visit" with one another. I found Gabby in Mary's crib. I hadn't put her there and would have wondered what was going on had I not walked in on Mary attempting to get into Gabby's crib. I found her sprawled out on-top of the cribs...trying to get that booty of hers over the hump of the rail...

But then, last night... the pitter patter of little feet left Ashleigh and I (she is visiting us) looking at each other, with raised eyebrows.... Mary had escaped. Supergirl had figured out how to scale the crib.

Back to bed, Mary.... and back into bed Gabby (Gabby was again, back in Mary's crib).... but then more giggling... and how do you not smile when you see the girls doing "ring around the rosy" in Mary's crib???

Knowing that I would break down in amusement I sent Lou into discipline - we need to nip this in the bud. But asking Lou to lay down the law... well, let's just say he walked out of there shaking his head and telling me that he felt sorry for me.. Some tough dad he is..

You would think that these antic's would tire them out at 945pm... and that they would sleep in this morning... but alas, I am up at 630am typing a blog since my children are already awake.

IF they want to play this game then we'll make sure to give at least a 3' separation of cribs in the new house... let's see if they can make that leap in a single bound!