Thursday, January 31, 2008

I've met my match

I used to always wonder why passer-by's would say to me "how do you do it?" My response was always the same... "you just do." (And I never thought it was terribly hard to take care of the three...) "ha" I laughed in the face of the mere task.

As we enter the toddler phase with the triplets, I now KNOW why they asked. It is not only physically draining, but emotional as well! I have met my match...and it comes in the form of three, 2ft toddlers with beautiful smiles that can change their disposition on a dime.

Before, running errands was easy. I would pop them in their car seats, pop the seats in the stroller, and go! They slept in them, ate in them, and stared in awe at their surroundings. They loved to get out and feel the breeze and see so many people "ooh" and "ahhh" over them.

Now, an errand is something that I hesitate doing. How fast can I get it done? (Quick enough for Gabby not to notice that she is sitting in a stroller for more than 5min?) Do I have all the bribing essentials of toys and more importantly, food? Do I have all the pacifiers? The mere pleasure of going "out" is not enough for these three. Do I physically have it in me?

And play time with the trips can be exhausting! They not only like to pull your hair or pull the glasses off your face, but jumping on you is a fun activity! Screams which mean- "she took that from me" or "my turn" are constant. And you had better be fair (i.e. if one has their shoes put on, get ready for the other one to come toddling over for their shoes) or else!!!

So now.. when asked "how do you do it?" I will simply smile and continue to say "you just do" - but deep down, I know that I am asking myself the same question!

Sunday, January 27, 2008

mary walking

we found it!!

We finally caved in and are allowing the triplets "free roam" of the main floor (i.e. kitchen, dining room, and living room). To their delight, there are many grown up toys which entertain their curiosity and interest.... hence, the tupperware cupboard. I wondered how long it was going to take for them to discover it...and it was about 2 days. But once they found it, there was no turning back. 15minutes of sheer fun!

Sunday, January 20, 2008

let's help mommy!

Mommy goes to simply put in a load of laundry and comes out to this mess! (Shame on mommy for leaving a clean basket of clothes sitting out on the floor!) The babies wanted to help...well, er... the babies found something to get into. (I am not sure "help" was the intention.)

Gabby hiding behind the basket and heading toward the heap of clean clothes... now strewn all over the floor.

Yes, there is a child under that basket. And no, she is not happy. I don't know if she got under there on her own accord or if her siblings had something to do with it. In any case, she barely fits inside this basket!

The three little "helpers." (This was an "after bathtime" fun activity.)


Can you say trouble with a capital "T"? The real fun has begun.... they are climbing onto everything.... and the "no fear" is really starting to scare me!

dorothy, we're not in kansas any more...

I guess the post should actually read.... "Lou, we're not in Florida any more"....

Charlottesville got hit with a snow storm earlier this week. I couldn't believe how fast it accumulated (even though I was born and bred in Cleveland!!!) It was so pretty...and lucky for us, it only lasted a few days. (We have just a little bit left around the city, here and there.) If I would have had real boots for them, I would have taken the trips out in it...

Monday, January 14, 2008

just over 13mo

.... a few days late in coming... Daddy helped entertain the trips so that Mommy could get this picture...
mateo, mary, and gabby...

you "awe"ta be in pictures

Get it? Like, "awe" isn't she cute? Yep, she is.. .AND she knows it! What a ham!!!

Mary knows how to turn on the an instant. Don't let that sweet, innocent face fool you!

slippery slide

Our shy baby is now turning into a dare devil! Gabby is the only one of the trips that has figured out not only how to climb the slide, but also go down! (With some coaching from Mommy, of course.) She is pretty proud of herself!

wait until she sees the size of the slides at the play ground...will she be so adventurous?

our little inventor

Who needs hair gel when sticky fingers (when run through the hair) do the trick? Now why didn't I think of that?!?!?

Can you just imagine this as the "face" of stick-eee the hair product for kids? He looks like a rock star!! KISS had better watch out!

Tuesday, January 8, 2008

out on the town

We moved the trips from their infant carriers to toddler car seats this past weekend. They really seemed to enjoy the change of scenery. (Now there is soooo much to look at!)

But I really don't know what is worse- having Mary stare us down because we bought ice cream through the drive-thru and didn't give her any OR that Lou and I have now officially lost our quiet talk time in the front seat.....

No, we don't have assigned seats when it comes to riding in the car. We try to mix it up so that they each get a turn with a different view.

Trips and Dad at the Flaming Wok. It was a bit of a gamble heading over to the Chinese-gone- Japenese hibatchi grill (let's just say 1980's decor and an empty parking lot) but the staff was very friendly (especially after we left a mess of rice on the red carpet floor) and the sushi was great! The kiddo's enjoyed their shrimp, tofu, and rice, too!

step aside Kobayashi

I am sure many of you are familiar with the famous hot dog eating champion,
Takeru Kobayashi.... and I think that I may have a child that can compete with the best of them! I have never seen food inhaled so fast. Before my fingers touch the top of the high chair table, the food has vanished. (And nope, it hasn't slipped onto the floor or on the seat!) There is no methodology to the is just "double fisted get inside my mouth as fast as possible".

Mary, our timed-food eating champion. Just juice is left on her plate. She could care less about how much ends up on her face or clothes...or what the aftermath looks like. I honestly don't know if she is ever full....

Note how clean Gabby's tray top is. The food is still separated in little piles! She is prim and proper while she eats...and MUST have a drink to sip in between bites.

I thought Mateo was our human garbage disposal and would give Mary a run for her money...but alas, he has started to wind down on his food consumption and is more interested in squeezing the avocado to see how it "feels" versus actually eating it.

Thursday, January 3, 2008


With the holidays behind us and the cold weather around (hopefully not for long!!), we have been secluded in our playroom for the past week. (Mommy does venture out at least 2x a week though, for all of our sanity!)

As the pictures show, the playroom is truly the triplets only freedom to wander and get into all their toys. And it is a disaster zone. I think hard hats should be required. No matter how many times I try to pick it up, balls, rings, and weeble-wobbles end up all over the place! I am amazed at the hiding places the triplets come up with.

Will keep my camera posted for those "first" steps. They should be happening any day now!

Thank you, Uncle Jeremy, for teaching me how to say "TOUCH DOWN" during the football games on New Year's Day. (Gabby will stop whatever she is doing when you yell "touch down" and raise her little hands up in the air.)

Our boy, "tate-o" always has a smile on his face..especially when you say his name or are going to take a picture. (And yes, his shirt is wet from all the endless drool that this boy produces. You would think he would have all his teeth by now with all the drool!)

Mary - poor Mary always looks so dis-shevled with all that long, curly hair. I would try to clip it up, but it seems that the twisties and clips become "toys" for the others to pull on...(sigh) She is such a good sport about all of it.

.....they all like to "clap" and giggle with one another. Stealing toys from the other is also a favorite past-time.

Tuesday, January 1, 2008

meet cousin Joseph


We haven't taken any pic's of the trips recently (I need to get my camera out!) so I thought I would upload a few of our newest baby cousin, Joseph Henry - born 12/21/07.

"lil joe" is wide awake!

Joseph had to go under the billie light for jaundice