Thursday, December 18, 2008

words of comfort

I wanted to add to Lou's picture post.... thank you to all of our family and friends that have supported us and comforted us during this extremely difficult time. Losing our loved one so fast and unexepectedly has left (at least me) in a fog - a version of denial. Time seems to have stopped and is standing still, while we continue to go through the day to day motions of our lives. It is so surrreal.

We did have a chance to celebrate the trio's 2 year old birthday, on the 7th... with a get-together at ChuckECheese and I look forward to getting some time to download the pic's to share them... we have also had lots of time to interact with our cousins, and meet santa while we have been in Cleveland- so I hope to get those up on the blog at some point as well.

Love to all -

Sunday, December 14, 2008

Monday, December 1, 2008

getting ready for Christmas

Because of their mischievous nature, we didn't dare put up a Christmas tree last year... and also due to lack of room, I didn't intend to put one up this year, either. I caved. I just kept thinking how much fun it would be for the trio to have their own tree, decorations, and nativity to play with... and what harm could a 4' tree do? I am sure something will just hasn't happened yet! (Don't you love Gabby's stance... the hands on the hip is a new attitude thing...)

wild woman

Ooh... that hair and smile... Mary is our wild one - down to the tips of her toes. She loves to run around "playfully screaming" (is there even such a thing?) just because she is so excited.

poor mateo....

Poor Mateo - trying to be a boy in a girls' world. He is surrounded by two sisters who are complete "girls" in every sense of the word - down to their shoes and purses. Well, if you can't beat em', join em!

a woman can never have too many....

Ahhh, yes... a woman (or little girl) can not have to many bibs! (Thought we'd say 'shoes', didn't ya?) It is crazy... one minute, we are begging Gabby to use a bib, and the next thing I know, she has FIVE of them on... all at one time, of course. The favorite one being "froggy."

Friday, November 21, 2008

ring around the rosy

teeter totter

who needs a teeter-totter when you have dad?!!!


A dear friend of ours gave us these hats as a going away present. (Sadly, they moved from VA to KY.) Don't the trio look adorable?!!?

Wednesday, November 12, 2008

just too cute

It was sooo nice to see Cousin Ash while we were in Cleveland... the trio loved spending time with her!

Getting into trouble at Lolo's and Lola's house... And as usual, Gabby is the instigator!

where are my pants?

Let the good times roll! The "sista's" had a great time at Grammy & Pa's! (and no, they aren't wearing any pants.... we had gotten into a fight with a mud puddle just an hour before..)

keb cuz's

There is just something about elmo and sesame street that a kid can love.... All 5 cousins crowded around the sesame street entertainer to watch elmo and cookie monster sing & dance

three little bears

The trio were "three little bears" for halloween. I attempted to dress them up for the festivities a the University (i.e. "trick or treating on the LAWN") but as you can tell, Mary was the only true bear that wanted to cooperate.

Friday, October 31, 2008

blue ridge mountains

Last weekend we had an ABSOLUTELY beautiful, fall day - so we decided to take a drive towards the Blue Ridge Mtns. Although the exit's only a few from our house, we figured out pretty quickly that the trio would not welcome a lazy day drive amongst the vibrant, fall leaves. So, we ended up stopping at the first stop - humpback rocks.

It was great to get out and walk the trail and let the trio run wild through the fall leaves.

Wednesday, October 22, 2008

did I make up for it?

So...there you have it... 10days worth of garcia's and the fun and hectic and busy-ness that we have enjoyed. Hope you enjoyed... and when my dear hubby comes home tonight and wonders why there are dirty dishes, food on the floor, and baby toys strewn all over... I hope you all will back me up and say the hour+ I invested in the blog was well worth it....

my cousin, my friend

The trio are still talking about their cousins "joe-joe" and "tombas".... can't wait to see you all again very soon!

apple picking

This past weekend, while our cousin Keb's were in town, we went and picked apples. Actually, it was more a test of strength as we pushed the double stroller (and carried the third) up and down grassy hills to the areas where we could pick. Although they didn't get the actually pick the apples, they sure had fun tasting them!

Uncle Rob and cuz Thomas

cuz Joe...

it isn't always a happy time.... sigh... and this was the best family pic!

greenfield farm

We joined a few other moms (and their kiddos) last week for a fun morning at a local animal/harvest farm... Pumpkins went over REALLY well. Animals... not so much. At least they seemed to enjoy the hayride.

My friend, Laura, and her kiddo's with my trio on the hayride...

you are my sunshine....

for the love of God.... not everything is food!

she picked it all by herself

no... let ME do it!

hammin' it up

trio won't head anywhere without their new pumpkins... sheesh... can only imagine halloween night!
take note of the apple that she insisted on holding for the entire 3 hours...

say "Cheese"

picture worth 1,000 words

you can really only imagine......

visit with the higgins'!

Last week, our good friends, the Higgins' were in VA and we were able to meet up in Richmond at the Botanical Gardens to spend a fun afternoon together. We were blessed with good weather, good children, and plenty of entertainment :)

Adam and Isabella pictured in front...

There was a big tree house that the kiddo's loved to play in... and to look out the windows of..

more hours in the day

Has it really been that long? Who do I talk to about adding more hours into the day.... there just isn't enough time to accomplish the list of never-ending tasks that I need to complete!

I apologize to all of you that follow the blog and haven't seen a posting in awhile... things are getting to be busier and busier with each passing day.

At least I should have some good photos for you to peruse in a few...

The trio are doing well...each growing more and more into their own individual and striking personalities. Just today, as I was watching Gabby "shimmy her toosh" as she headed over to the bathroom to wash her hands, I thought about how funny and cute and amazing that this child is -to be so excited to wash her hands that she needs to do a little dance...
And Mateo... his dimple gets me every time... and he knows it. Every time (and I mean every) he does something he isn't supposed to do, he flashes that award-winning smile and all is forgotten... and Mary...her deep, reflective brown eyes melt my heart like butter. She is my hoarder now... has to hold every cup, toy, hat, bowl, spoon... that she finds.

Saturday, October 11, 2008


Who else do you know... that can sit on the pot while learning their ABC's???

No, we aren't potty training yet.... we just have the potty's around so that they can get used to them... (as you see, Gabby is fully clothed)... and although she isn't pointing out specific letters of the alphabet, both her and Mary do like to sing along to the alphabet song... She is mighty proud.

bed bugs

Last weekend we spent a night with Uncle Mike and Aunt Lissy at a time-share in Williamsburg, VA. Even though the trio had their own room...they somehow ended up in bed with Mom and Dad. And yes, Daddy does have the unique ability to tune them out and continue sleeping... (it must be a man thing!)

Friday, October 10, 2008

cozy coupe

Mommy was able to find us some second hand cozy coupes... (aka "carrrrrssss")

The trio had a blast trying out their cars for the first time....