Thursday, June 18, 2009

the last blueberry

As a mother, we are engrained to sacrifice for our kids. We sacrifice sleep, our time, possessions that we may want, and even in my case... we sacrafice our looks. (When was the last time I actually painted my toe nails or took a brush to my hair??)

And for a while, I let the guilt seep in on sacrificing food. My favorite foods - and well, so it seems, the triplet's favorite foods. The last strawberry is cut into 3, the last blackberry is squeezed so that it can shared.... everything down to the last drop is given to the triplets.

But now I am fighting back. I WANT the last blueberry. Who says that a mother has to give up everything for her child? They aren't going to starve because I didn't give them the last grape... or in this case, the last blueberry....

and don't you know that it was the sweetest tasting blueberry I have ever had!