Saturday, May 7, 2011

are we still together friends?

It has been an amazing experience to watch the changes in the triplets over the last 6 months. The little tykes that used to "play" side by side (i.e. called parallel playing because they wouldn't interact, but would physically be close to one another as they played on their own) really interact with each other... all day long... and use their imagination. If they aren't playing "teacher" (or, instructor) and following along with the leader, then they are building obstacle courses that they have at school, or making up songs in their "mind" (as Gabby would say) to sing together. I love the imagination!

Lately, however, I have seen a little bit of insecurity or perhaps, just a phase, where they need to constantly ask each other if they are "still together friends?" It is the first thing they ask each other in the morning... and especially after fights throughout the day...they want to be sure that they are still together friends... (and sometimes, BEST friends.)

I hope the bond they share never grows thin!