Wednesday, January 12, 2011

my mother never told me....

When I was a child (heck, even as a grown woman), I thought my mother had supernatural powers. She was able to be a great wife, a loving mother, a mentor, a teacher, a good listener, an expert at giving advice, gave the best hugs, and still had time to complete the everyday essentials of making a honest meal, and running the household.

She never told me that it was near impossible to complete and exhausting to boot!

For some reason, in today's society, mothers are expected to be able to "just get it all done." As like a superhero with awesome powers, we need to raise the children, run the household, and attend to the hubby....just

I am one of the lucky few who is fortunate to not have to add "full time work" to my plate like my sister and so many of my friends. I am in awe of them... noting how tired and hard I work to keep things a-float... they have it 2x as hard! Kudos, my ladies!

But although my back muscles are strained, the puff's under my eyes are larger, and I put the milk in the pantry because I forgot what I was supposed to do with it.... we all agree that we wouldn't trade anything for the smell of the newborn in our arms, our toddler's first excited "pee-pee in the potty", the first time we see our preschooler write their name, or the innocent hug around the neck.

We must be superhero's to be fighting for something so precious and special... our children.