Thursday, January 13, 2011

a mother's intuition

Yesterday I thought I would do a good "deed" and shovel the snow that had accumulated in Lou's parking spot in the driveway. Since the kids were in their seat belts, contained in the car, I thought I would quickly complete my task. At the last second, as I jumped out of the car, I put the emergency brake on.

Less than three minutes later, as I came up to the drivers side door of the running car, I noticed that Mateo was in the drivers seat! He had somehow (un-be-known to me) unbuckled himself, climbed over all the crap we have separating the middle row from the front... and was pretending to drive. And next to him, miss innocent Gabrielle, sat in the passenger seat.

She had been located in the "way back" - the last seat/row that is located in the trunk. So, to get to the front seat, she unbuckled herself, climbed over the middle row of seats, over the crap that separates the middle row from the front... and perched herself in the tour guide spot.

After the panic passed when I realized all were okay... I said a quick prayer in thanks of that brake..
... and sat in awe of how resourceful these kids have become.

Next time, they will sit in the COLD car.