Friday, January 21, 2011

"hi grammy"

It brightens my heart that even though the trio were lucky enough to see (and spend time with) my Mom only a handful of times (I think less than 10) in her short life, she made such an impression.

A short time ago, we were on the topic of the sun shining... and as all of you parents know, when questions come up that you quite don't know the answer to, you start improvising your answers. (Of course, temporarily forgetting that it will resurface again someday.) Anyway... the question came up as to why/how the sun shines and why it doesn't do it all the time, etc. And at around the same time, the trio were talking about Grammy being in Heaven. They were missing Grammy and wanted to know when she would come back down from Heaven. And as I was trying to find the words to explain that she couldn't come back down... they just started to roll off my tongue.

"Everytime the sun shines, that is Grammy saying hello...." is what I told them.

On the way to school today, as the sun was blinding us (through the cold, crisp, snow) ... I hear Gabby happily yell - "Hi Grammy!"
