Monday, September 27, 2010

sleep deprivation

I remember when Lou would work his 80+ hours at Shands (in FL) and would be so exhausted and sleep deprived that he would fall asleep almost anywhere... even with a screaming baby 2ft away. And I wondered... how could anyone be that tired? Well... now I know. Thank you baby Abigail for allowing me a glimpse into the life of a resident....

Top 5 ways I know I am sleep deprived:
5. My speech is slurred worse than a drunken sailor - without a lick of alcohol
4. I spend my 3am awake time coming up with these ridiculous lists
3. My calorie intake consists of caffeine, sugar, and dark chocolate (secret to losing weight, my friends) to keep me going
2. I continually ask myself... "what was I going to do?" while holding a jug of milk, a reward sticker, and a pacifier
1. I hire a sitter to watch the kids while I attempt to sleep. (Seriously, I find the deepest, darkest corner in the basement - among the spiderwebs, flop down on a frumpy futon and hope (and pray) that I can catch at least an hour's nap...)