Saturday, September 11, 2010

dressy blue skirt with the sequins

I am not sure if you have noticed (and perhaps I haven't uploaded enough pictures) but Mary has a blue sequin skirt that she absolutely ADORES. Every single day, she puts this dressy, royal blue sequin skirt with the red trim over her pants/shorts - and wears it the whole day. I have to force her to take it off if we are going to school, or to the pool, or to a place where she could lose it. Otherwise, the smelly, over-worn skirt won't leave her body.

And instead of forcing the issue or trying to figure out "why" she insists on having this constant in her life at this time... I am going with it... and admiring at how "pretty" she looks when she wears it...

And God help me figure out a way to clean it!