Saturday, September 18, 2010

i've met my match

Just the other day I posted on facebook about a recent late night experience with Abby. The girl does NOT want to sleep through the night - no matter what I try. I honestly don't think I can even remember when I had 4hrs straight sleep, without interruption.

On this particular night, she had been fussy on and off from about 12:30am...and by 2 am, I had been up and down, in and out of bed, several times. I attempted to let her "cry it out" (as the doctor's call an attempt for her to learn how to fall back asleep by herself) but by 2:30, she finally got to me. She was screaming and writhing in pain and all I could do was rush in and pick her up.

What mother wouldn't? Why else would a baby girl cry so hard and for so long? I will tell you - a SMART baby girl. As soon as I picked her up, she began to clap. My mind went through several phases...
second 1 - Thank God sweet baby girl isn't really hurt....she has stopped crying
second 2 - sweet baby girl isn't hurt? she is clapping her hands that I picked her up?
second 3 - why is this child starting to babble as though we are enjoying a mid day walk?
second 4 - she tricked me? what? she is practicing her hello/goodbye wave now?
second 5 - no, I am not going to talk to you and interact with you at 3am in the morning!
second 6 - is she really hitting me because I won't engage her in play at this hour?
second 7 - why am I still holding baby girl who is obviously ready to play and not sleep?

Game on, Abby... game on. Two of us can play at this game!