Wednesday, September 2, 2009

evolution of the night-time routine

Ahhh...those were the days when you could give a night-time bottle, turn on some "white noise" (i.e. those sound machines that remind infants of the womb) and with a light kiss goodnight, the babies were placed in their crib.

But then they grow up... and they want warm sippy cups of milk- and cheese... and the sound machine is replaced by a humidifier.... but Mommy can still get away with prayers and reading 1 book while she, alone, rocks in the rocking chair... and that same simple kiss turns into a "kiss & hug"...

And then they grow up some more... and call all the shots.

Now it is running around screaming (or jumping on beds/cribs) while Mommy gets everyone dressed in jammies... toothbrushes thrown down throats at some point... 2 girls, crammed onto Mommy's lap (add a growing belly to this scenario) for prayers and 2 stories (one for each of them) ... They, themselves, need to race to climb into their own cribs... allowing time for the boy to have his prayer and story (the same story now, for 3 weeks... thank you "cars").... then he needs to tease each girl by pretending to climb into their cribs... so that they scream, of course... only for Mommy to chase said boy into this crib... lights out.... but not really since we need to have the "big" light on, outside in the hall.... and then begins the rubbing of the back, the high-five, the rubbing of the belly- another high-five.... holding of the hand for at least 30sec... blankets put on several times... finding the paci's... and then holding the hand again... FOR EACH OF THEM. Oops... we forgot the "kiss & hug" - so it starts all over again... And yes, they do take notice and protest should you not give each their due.

It looks like Mommy is going to have to take-charge of this night time routine. Sigh.