Wednesday, August 5, 2009

internal struggle

As many of you mothers know... as children get older there is a constant internal struggle as to whether you discipline or laugh at their actions...and this is becoming more and more apparent to me as the weeks go by. I have these three precious children that at any minute can disguise the devil horns on their head with a simple smile, giggle, or as Mateo has craftily learned.. with the word "pweeze." I am worried that they have already figured out my weakness..... just a little "charm" can go a long way.

And how do you reprimand them when they are supposed to be sleeping (like right now as I type this) but instead, are singing together... Alleluia or ring around the rosey, or twinkle twinkle? They don't know the harm in not taking the nap... (i.e. the hour after dinner when everyone is crabby, whiney, and irritable) so I find it a struggle as to what to do... do I turn on the mean mommy and discipline, or do I let it ride and enjoy the off key seranade? Do I yell "stop" when they rough-house too hard with each other or take pleasure in that they actually like to be with one another? At 2.5yo, what really is acceptable and what isn't?

Every day is met with a new challenge as they figure out new things to touch, break, and investigate... all well within the age appropriate learning process... and my only hope of coming through this with minimal battle scars is to rely upon my fellow mothers' advice and lots (and lots) of patience!
Did I mention lots of patience????