Monday, May 11, 2009

I've been duped!

Yep.... a 2.5 year old has duped her mother. Mary soooo has my number!!!

I am sure you all will recall the "removal of the diaper" habit... and Mary knows that I know she has partaken in said activity when I see her bare hiney... so she has figured out how to trick me.

This morning, I noticed that Mary's jammy bottoms are on inside out. Hmmm...
Jen: Mary, why are your jammy bottoms on inside-out?
Mary: They are all wet
Jen: Why are they all wet?
Mary: I peed in them

Sure enough, I head over to her crib and realize that they are soaked. How can this happen if she is wearing a diaper with a maxi-pad inside to soak up the excess??? Uh, hello Mommy.... Mary had removed the diaper with the maxi insert LAST NIGHT and put her jammy bottoms back on so that you wouldn't know!

Smarty pants!