Saturday, January 10, 2009

an interesting find

You know that when you hear two little girls giggling, it can't be good. Add to that a whiff of something bad (to put it nicely) and you SHOULD BE concerned.

This afternoon's nap was a treat (can you hear the sarcasm?)... the girls did not want to lay down for their nap. Well, Mary might have...if Gabby wouldn't have been prodding her to stay up and get into some mischief.

Anyway.... I had to intervene a few times before I was finally halted in my stride... two girls with naked hineys....and the smell of poop. Yep....they decided to take off their pants AND their diapers....and one of them had gone #2. I guess I should be grateful...the clean up could have been worse.

What is even more surprising is that they really do learn from each other... monkey see, monkey do - right? Not a 1/2hr later and the other one had again, taken off pants and diaper...and her diaper contained the nasty. Duct tape was required to leave subsequent diapers on the hiney.

Trying to look at the brightside.... maybe they will soon tell me about #2 BEFORE they start taking off their clothes....