Monday, June 30, 2008


Mary, Gabby, and Mateo are really starting to show different personalities... as well as similarities between the three of them.... They all love to make one another laugh and giggle. (see below) and they show genuine care and concern for the other.

Mary likes to tease her siblings...especially Gabby. When they sit next to one another in the car, Mary will usually take her leg and swing it around so that it is resting on Gabby's arm or leg. And no matter how much Gabby protests, Mary refuses to move it. In fact, she smiles when I tell her to take her leg off of sissy. And if I move it, right back it goes. She gets a kick out of annoying Gabby.

Gabby will try to get as much out of you as she can.... The other day, I watched her walk "tip-toe" across the kitchen floor...and she slipped on a book or something and landed on her toosh. She got right back up and continued on, before she noticed me chuckling at what happened. All of a sudden, she started to whine, like she had hurt herself... and she knew that she was too late in her she just walked away. She is always trying to get more food after we are "all done" or get picked up one last time before bed. Her favorite word is "more."

Mateo is a true ladies man. He can be in the middle of a melt down, and as soon as he sees a girl or lady or woman come over to say hello, he is all charm and dimple smiles. Sheesh...

They are a true riot.... one minute I am at my wits end, and the other moment I can't stop laughing at how they interact! The other day we went out to lunch to cici's pizza. Gabby sat next to her sister and fed her the pasta. Yep, she literally put food into Mary's mouth... so that they could both get a laugh out of it. And while this is happening, Mateo is waving at the ladies that walk on by. Lou and I just look at each other and smile. We are truly blessed.