Saturday, June 7, 2008

i get so emotional, baby

I am not sure if it is because I am a mother to multiples...or just that I am a mother...

but somtimes I feel as if I can't love them enough. Their smiles, their laughs, their eyes... the way that they "find" my lap to sit on me... their chubby little legs and the way that they try to run away from me in the form of a game... I just can't hold them enough or love them enough.

ahem... and then there are those times... when I am beyond pure exhaustion... and I just don't know if I can take one more piece of food on the floor...or one more scream because a toy was taken away by a sibling...or constantly tripping over tiny bodies that seem to put themselves in the way while you make dinner... or finding them playing in the toilet bowl water or sitting on top of the dining room table...

the ups and downs of motherhood...
I am guessing that I am not alone...
and I KNOW that there are more ups than downs :)