Sunday, March 30, 2008

abort mission

I must tell you about my "mission gone bad" last Friday.

At some point, I think pregnancy or motherhood in general forces you to lose part of your common sense. Actually, I think the lost portion of common sense becomes the notion that I CAN DO ANYTHING! Ridiculous as the task might be, if I am a "mom", I no-doubtedly am going to try to do it, alone, and do it well...

So off on errands I am with the trio...and since it was such a lovely day (70's) I thought a quick stop at the big park before lunch was a good idea. I like this park mainly because it has a squishy ground (not mulch) and lots of baby swings. (Mateo eats mulch.) Out of the car and into the triplet stroller....over to the swings. The kiddo's love it and get so excited because they are now "remembering" the park and what fun it is.

Unfortunately, my thinking that I could manage 2 walkers and a crawler with THREE DIFFERENT interests was poor judgement. Off the swings, on the swings, over to the jungle gym, chase the red rubber ball, onto the ride-on animals, back on the swings... onto the cement, then the grass....YIKES!

Oh yes...there were stares. Lots of them. Some women offered to help...others just shook their heads...some applauded and admired that I lasted as long as I did. (about a half hour)

Common sense finally did kick in...and I scooped them up...under my them into the stroller and bolted before they realized what they were missing.

Next time, I am going to bring a helper!