Monday, April 18, 2011

The triplet connection

They say that "multiples" (i.e. twins/triplets) share a special bond...and I have witnessed it first hand, over and over. Today's example:

Having yelleding (okay, let's be honest - screaming) and disciplining the girls because for the upteenth time today they were hitting and punching each other, the girls were sitting on the couches... sniffling and snuffling their tears. I sat down next to Gabby to finish talking to her and Mateo was sitting nearby on the other couch.

Mateo: Mom, you're breaking my heart.
Mom: I'm what?
Mateo: You're breaking my heart.
Mom: How am I breaking your heart?
Mateo: You are being mean to the girls and it is making me sad. Stop being mean to the girls. It is making me angry.

And then, less than 5min later... he is off hitting/pushing the girls as they fight over a toy. So I guess I didn't break his heart hard enough.