Monday, April 19, 2010

wow! that's a long time!

Sorry family and friends for the delay in blogging... It isn't that we are sitting at home...doing nothing to write about... I guess the time is just getting away from me... and I know - I OWE you all some pictures!

Here's what's new....

Today we started ISR (infant swimming resource) lessons... these are intense lessons (i.e. 10 min each kid, 5 days a week, approx for 6wks) that teach drowning prevention and swimming... and the information the instructor needs each day is like documenting the triplets feeding/pooping/sleeping schedule from when they were first born! This is quite the enormous task - getting them all ready for swim and attending the lesson...but Lou and I believe it will be worth it in the end.

The trio are really starting to let their imaginations go! Today, Toe, aka "the dino"...was attacking the girls. Some days, the girls are taking care of their babies- named either Abigail, or Cindy. Mateo is loving his robot and cars... and all love to help out in the kitchen. (and of course, play Wii - the new fun game that Daddy bought.) They sing all the time and make up stories/games on a whim.

We had our favorite nanny visit last week - Lindsey... and with her help, we went to the zoo, down in the valley for a picnic, played lots outdoors... and gave Mommy some much deserved free time. (If only I could have accomplished all that was on my list.)

Abigail has grown by leaps and bounds! She loves to smile and coo... drinks like a champ (and has gained the weight to prove it) and has found her hands to be a much favored chewing toy. She enjoys tummy time (i.e. time on her tummy to improve neck strength) and can sit upright in a bumbo chair. (pictures to come later...)

How blessed I am!