Thursday, October 22, 2009

in denial

I'm not quite sure what I was thinking....Not only did Lou and I come down with strep in early Oct, but then in mid-Oct a bug circulated with our cousins... then I had a horrible GI bug.... Lou never seemed to really get over the cold/strep he had going on.... another round of flu with our other cousins... but I wasn't going to make them live in a bubble. We went to story time at the library, visited Pa at the hospital and went to stores..... and yet I thought - "the trips had their flu shot (as did Lou and I) and will be fine." WRONG! This week, all 3 came down with the flu and in full force. Poor kids... but at least now they can verbalize what they are feeling and understand the concept of being sick. If only I could have stopped them from giving it back to me...