Saturday, February 28, 2009

lot to catch up on

So, you see... it isn't that we haven't had anything new to report... it is just that things are so chaotic and busy over here that there isn't enough time to post! As I mentioned on facebook... can I add hours to our day?

Let' see... so there was Lou's ACL surgery in early Feb... (and thank you, Lolo and Lola Garcia for coming down and helping us out!) Lou is still on one crutch.. Improvements are slow and steady...not fast enough for me....but he is making leaps and bounds in his physical therapy. (I personally think the girls just like him there...the way that they continually praise him and how well he is doing...)

Mateo had a small out-patient surgery. Poor boy...let's leave it at that. He is healing nicely.

We've had to move a lot of our stuff into storage in preparation for the big move. To where? We aren't sure...we just know that Lou's contract is up in July and that we are heading.... hopefully, north :) So with gimpo over here...guess who has had to do the manual labor? All right...he did get me a massage in there to help ease my aching back...

The kiddo's are doing great and amaze us every day. Whether it is the "I can't see" when the lights go out (or, when Mary pulls her hat over her face - uh, hello?)...or the "yeah, sure" when asked if they want more veggies... or the "Amen, Alleluia, Praise Jesus" that we must say every time after we say Grace before meals... They are our true joys and we are so very blessed.