The trio had their 15mo check up this past Monday. Mateo is 23.5 lbs!! Mary, is just 6oz shy of her brother at 23lbs....and is just a smidge taller than him! Gabby finally is gaining weight and is 19lbs...still the smallest of the three.
They are growing by leaps and bounds and it amazes me each day what new thing they learned. The most favorite (and recent) is to grab their coat so that we can go outside for a walk. Unfortunately, they don't understand that the elements of rain and 30mph winds aren't condusive to walks in the neighborhood. I'll give some snip-its under the pic's!

Mateo is finally showing interest in things other than food! He is crawling onto furniture and waving "bye." He is slowly learning to use his weight to help him won't be long now before he can do it on his own!

Mary is desparately trying to catch up with her sister. Above is her attempt to crawl onto the jumperoo. She almost made it...but just couldn't hang on. She was sooo frustrated! Mary is one step behind Gabby in learning to point to her body parts.

Gabby knows where her nose, ears, eyes, belly, hair and toes are...and isn't shy about showing you! (She is pointing to her ears in the above pic.) She is also the most needy of the three. For several weeks now she constantly cries to be held or shown attention. The doc says that she is learning her independence, but doesn't quite know how to "let go" yet... I hope she learns soon.... my nerves are starting to crack!

Mary loves to read her "Brown bear" book... What a great smile!

Yes, another picture with "dad". They are just soo happy to see him that I can't help but take the picture.

Trio playing around with the "bohemian" hats that our friends at NL gave us when we visited while in FL. They had a blast pulling them off each other's head :)