We had a great time visiting our friends in FL! Even though only our first and last days in FL proved to have the best weather, we really enjoyed the time away. (sigh - it is supposed to be nice all this coming weekend!)
A HUGE thank you to the Futch family for letting us stay with them... Tim, Christy and David are good friends (we think of them as family) and we thoroughly enjoyed our time with them. They made us feel completely at home and we appreciated their warm hospitality! (It isn't easy hosting a family of 5, especially when 3 of them are 15mo!)

HAD to go out to Moes to eat our first night in Jax! (trio with their friend, David)

The babies LOVED having Daddy around all week/weekend...and just couldn't get enough of him!

We had lots of time to spend in-doors (due to the weather) so we stopped to see the Easter Bunny - didn't go over quite as well as we hoped!

Trio at the zoo with our friends, Fay and Dave

Garcia family photo at the zoon. Can you tell how cold it is from their winter jackets???

Fay and Mommy with the trio... (what IS that in the background?)

Another favorite spot in Jax was "Tokyo" - a japanese hibatchi grill... we loved it and so did the babies. (Left to right- Tim, David, Mateo, Christy, Mary, Lou, and Gabby)

Mateo, Christy, Mary, Lou and Gabby.... at Tokyo

Farewell picture of trio with "cousin" David

We had only about 15min to spend at the beach - the kiddo's loved it and I wish we could have stayed longer..... Mateo and Mommy at the beach.

Mary LOVED walking around in the sand in her bare feet.

Mommy & Gabby (Gabby didn't like the sand too much.)

We were lucky enough to stay with our friends, Patti & Rick for one night on our way back to VA. Their son, Brett, was visiting.... and Mateo took to him instantly. (Mateo also liked their pup, Toby!) Thank you to Patti & Rick for also making us feel so very welcome in their home!

Babies strolling around in Patti's development. (The "no-see-ums" - aka mosquitos - were out with a vengence and the babies were NOT happy!)

Gabby drawing on the etcho-sketch that Aunt Hilary gave them for the trip.

Mary caught on, too... to using the sketch pad!

Mateo... not so much. He rather eat the special pen than use it!

Not sure if Mateo was happy because we were about an hour away from returning home... or if he was full from the pizza he had just eaten!

Gabby was lifting her leg to, ahem, let the gas fly.... (she obviously enjoyed her pizza as well!) See the smirk? She knew what she was doing....

Not 30 seconds back in the car and the "misty" had her shoes AND socks off! That stinker!