The Garcia triplets seem to be on the mend! Now, if we could only keep it that way! A few weeks away from "germs" should do it... (keep your fingers crossed.) Unfortunately, mommy caught the nasty bug....but at least we have the kiddo's attempting to sleep at night!

Gabby strikes again - our official climber. Her cognitive skills are tremendous! She can go and get an object that you ask for, and just today...she pointed to the changing table because she had just done a poopy!

Mary - our ray of sunshine. (No pun that she is really sitting in the sun!) She is our constant silly one and smiler. And never to be caught without several paci's in hand. (Although we are working on teaching her it isn't nice to steal the paci from Mateo, our efforts have been futile.)

Mateo...our turtle... "slow and steady wins the race." He is our laid back, "mommy's" boy and loves to hear you call his name. (He has dimples to prove it!)
We leave tonight for FL and hope to have lots of pictures to post when we return next week!