They are curious little georges and love to be into everything! If it isn't the treadmill, it is the laundry basket, or old socks, or stinky diapers! Like your average 8.5mo, they like to put everything in their mouths...the book that mom is reading to them, the edge of a plastic bottle, mom's big toe....(yuck!) and even the treadmill belt.
Every day is a new adventure for both them and me! I am amazed at what they can do, and their "light bulb" expressions are priceless! To see Gabby pull herself up to a standing position, and Mateo realizing that the knob he has been playing with REALLY turns, and Mary...that she can sit up on her own and gain a different perspective melt my heart every time.
They are blowing bubbless...saying "blah blah, ma ma", and every once in a while Mateo throws a groan or grunt in there.
What more could I ask for?