I am not quite sure what is so funny...but inevitably, every time the babies are placed in their high-chairs, they get the giggles. One starts laughing and sets the other two off. They talk and laugh while mommy desparately tries to keep the food in their mouths and not dripping down their chins!
This past weekend, we went to Applebee's as a family. Each Garcia baby had their own high-chair and sat at the table with Mom & Dad. They LOVED it...again, they caught the giggles and were the talk of the restaurant because their laughs were so contagious.
(I am sure it won't be too long before their giggles really get us into trouble!)

mateo loves to hold his carrot and cheese wagon wheel

gabby's giggle - caught in action

"sissy - what is so funny? I am trying to concentrate here!" - mary