We have already begun to see some personality traits coming out in each of the trio....

Mary is constantly searching for the pacifier..even if she has to grab it out of her siblings mouth! (Which she does all the time...even when she already has one.) Seen above, she is triple-fisting the paci's... I am a little fearful of her stealing habit! (Nothing can stop her from getting that nuk!)

Gabby refuses to stop MOOOOOVING. She is always on the go...crawling and pulling herself up to a standing position. She will stand up, hold and stablize with one hand, and then suck her thumb on the other hand. Drop down, crawl around, and go back to the same spot and pull herself up again...and again...and again. She is building confidence and can now pull herself up to a standing position in her crib (and anything else...that doesn't move on her!)

Ahhhh...Mateo...our dear son. He loves to lay around. (and be upside down.) He can rock on all fours but does not really show an interest in crawling around just yet. He doesn't steal toys from his sisters...and usually lets the girls beat up on him - even giggling when they do!... a true baby brother.