The kiddo's wake anywhere between 7 and 8am. But Mommy doesn't wake up until after guess who gets to "play quietly" in their cribs until it is time to wake up? (Ha...if only that were true.)
We eat breakfast and play between 8ish and 930.... trying to head out the door between 930am and 10am to whatever destination seems to be on the agenda for the day. Usually it is the gym where there is a "kidzone" - the kids love to play dress-up and ride bikes and use toys that they don't have at home.
By noon we are starting to eat lunch... with a nap to follow. They will nap anywhere from "no nap" to sometimes 2hours...- today it was almost 3hours for Mary and Mateo!
Up in the afternoon for more errands (grocery store, post office) or playtime around the house. In a previous post, you saw how much they love their new bounce house.
Lately, we have been waiting for Daddy to come home so we can eat dinner as a family. Dinner used to be around 5pm, but since we enjoy him being with us, we will wait until 6pm to eat.
Play and bath....and ready to bed between 730pm and 8pm!
If they day were this easy, I wouldn't mind doing it again and again....but add to it the drama of "mine" and "no" and kicks and screams.... but also a series of "hugs" and "kisses" and smiles and laughs.... it makes me come back for more and more.
Trio enjoying an afternoon snack while watching a favorite - "veggie tales." Notice how the boy is enthralled in the show while the girls tend to aggrevate one another.
The girls LOVE to play dress-up... and mommy's slippers seem to be a favorite. And no, Mary isn't wearing any pants. The latest is to remove any clothing that we have on.

So "May-may" as she is called is the lovey one of the group. She will realize that she is doing something wrong (like attempting to hit mommy) and immediately stop what she is doing to give mommy a hug. She really does stop in her tracks and say the word "hug." (Who can stay angry at that?) She has her own language and talks it a few times a day. She still loves to throw a fit if she doesn't get want she wants and continues to be a good eater.... loving fruits and veggies... Her favorite word is "yeah" and she says it as though it was a no brainer.