They are changing before our eyes. You can actually ask them to "use their words" when they want something... and Gabby will always respond. For example, she blew me away tonight when I asked where the tv remote was. She responded: "remote behind you." What 2 year old can use the word "behind?" And of course, I turn around, and on the floor is the remote. Amazing. Mary is starting to understand the concept of "sharing" - we just need to keep on her about it... and Mateo is making leaps and bounds with his vocab and comprehension. In just a few short days time, he is linking 2 words together (finally) and is attempting to keep up with his sisters.
All of them love to sing the abc's (even Tato - as we lovingly call Mateo) and to count to 10. They play with each other (and independently) and don't seem to miss a beat with what is going on around.
Best of all, they are learning the concept of love...and there is nothing more rewarding than to get a hug and kiss and "luv you" from one of them.