We had our 2yr check-up today...(just a little over a month late...) and the trio are doing GREAT!
Gabby was the guinea pig and offered to go "first" for the weighing and actual exam. This was quite a surprise considering just 6mo ago, she was the complete opposite and wouldn't let a nurse or doctor even come close to touching her. She weighs 23lbs and is just over 33"long. She is still in the small percentile (10th) across the board. The doctor got a kick out her "gabbing" about anything and everything.
Mateo offered to go 2nd since Mary refused. He gave his usual dimple "I'm shy" smile to the nurses and doctor. He weighs 27lbs and 4oz and is just over 34" long. He is such a "boy" and didn't even cry when he got his shot.
Mary was the opposite of how she was 6mo ago, too... today she was much more skeptical and wanted to go last so that she could see what the trip to the doctor's office entailed. She weighed in at 28lbs and is the tallest at almost 35"long. She is in the 70% percentile across the board. I guess you can tell that Mary likes to eat and takes after her Daddy when it comes to height.
We are so lucky that these 36wk preemies have come full circle and have caught up to be such big, healthy, beautiful toddlers. (did I even write that word?)
Tuesday, January 27, 2009
Saturday, January 24, 2009
waving the white flag
I surrender...the white flag is waving...and I have been defeated.
Normally, today's events, in each their own, wouldn't have been that bad...but when you take hit after hit - all day long - it wears a person down. I think that was THEIR intent. Compiled with the fact that of all days, Lou was on call at the hospital for over 12hours... well, he was the lucky one, I'd say...
Don't let their cute little faces fool you. Behind the exterior are devious little ones... with their own likes (and dislikes) thoughts and wants. In other words - real human beings that have entered the world of "toddler hood."
I should have seen it coming. This week has been a good one and all good things, as we all know, must come to an end.
The day started with me finding their humidifier, filled with water, tipped over... carpet soaked and et all dripping wet. Who was to blame? "Not I" said the little red hen. Then the dispute over how to put the girls hair back (can you tell Gabby won that argument?) and what to have for breakfast. At least I won that one.... no soup for you!
Hit after hit... all morning of "mine" and "no" and "I want".... nap time couldn't come soon enough. But it is on those days when you NEED nap time the most (and yes, all of you moms know what I am talking about) they refuse to cooperate.
So on my 5th trip into the bedroom to find out why 2 out of the 3 still aren't sleeping after an hour into their nap, I discover why Mateo isn't (dirty diaper) and why Mary is (she is bottomless - yet again). But as I am trying to cover up the bare hiney with a diaper, I realize that she has peed her entire bed. Yet I am not dismayed...I can handle this... grab a towel and let her sleep on it. Unfortunately, sleeping beauty didn't get to finish her nap because thing 1 and thing 2 continued to talk and cry and not sleep during their nap....so hers ended up being cut short.
But still... I am strong... I encounter this on most days... not to worry. I can handle it.
Upon returning from the laundry (that I now must do...due to peed on linens) I find that a box of crackers has been ransacked with crumbs all over... (It wouldn't suprise me if they had climbed ontop of one another - making a human ladder - to reach them.) Stooping over to pick them up while stepping on them and grinding them into the ground...I gave up trying to pick up the crumbs and figured they'd eat the biggest pieces. (Mind you, they wouldn't be hungry if they had eaten just a small portion of the lunch I had given them.)
But while eating, I realize that Mary has something in her hand that isn't a cracker. God help me with this child....her and her bowl issues. Yep...poop. She has pooped and has stuck her hand into the back of her pants and now has it on her hand. STOP EVERYTHING. This is a priority and sanitization needs to happen. (again, this isn't the first time that Mary has done this)... but while trying to clean it, I realize that it is a bigger problem than normal and requires several, several wipes. But while doing this, I inadvertantly leave the dirty diaper in a plastic bag within reach of the other 2 and alas... it has now become a game of "keep away" from Mommy. Sigh.
I should have stopped then. But no, I didn't...and the rest of the afternoon was spent running after the trio who wanted to get into everything that was a "no no." I even bribed them with a trip to the park, but that still didn't help....
After a well eaten dinner (what can I say...who can resist taco bell?) we were off to play for a little bit before bed... and as I cleaned up dinner, I should have known that more awaited me. As I enter the room, I see another naked hiney...and the smell of something not good. Hudini is getting out of every taped diaper that I put on her... and this time, she took it off BEFORE she did her #2. (well, hello mom... you did give her taco bell for dinner!!) But this #2 was embedded into the carpet and into everything else that she has set her pretty little butt onto... including the couch. (Again, Mom...she was just following orders...you told all of them to get their butts onto the couch while you tried to clean up every ounce of poop that you could visibly see). I wish I had known that there was residual - or else I wouldn't have recommended that gathering place.
At this point, the mountain ahead of me was insurmountable and I caved. A woman can only take so much before she is broken... and the amount of poop that I had to clean today was the breaking point.
So tonight... after all the dishes, and high chairs and sippy cups have been washed, and the cleaning of poop and pee is done.....you can bet that even a few drinks and a hot bath won't ease the weariness in my stride and slump in my shoulders. But the hope that tomorrow might be a better day...well, we'll let you know tomorrow.
Man alive...they told me the toddler stage would be tough - but I didn't believe them.
Normally, today's events, in each their own, wouldn't have been that bad...but when you take hit after hit - all day long - it wears a person down. I think that was THEIR intent. Compiled with the fact that of all days, Lou was on call at the hospital for over 12hours... well, he was the lucky one, I'd say...
Don't let their cute little faces fool you. Behind the exterior are devious little ones... with their own likes (and dislikes) thoughts and wants. In other words - real human beings that have entered the world of "toddler hood."

The day started with me finding their humidifier, filled with water, tipped over... carpet soaked and et all dripping wet. Who was to blame? "Not I" said the little red hen. Then the dispute over how to put the girls hair back (can you tell Gabby won that argument?) and what to have for breakfast. At least I won that one.... no soup for you!
Hit after hit... all morning of "mine" and "no" and "I want".... nap time couldn't come soon enough. But it is on those days when you NEED nap time the most (and yes, all of you moms know what I am talking about) they refuse to cooperate.
So on my 5th trip into the bedroom to find out why 2 out of the 3 still aren't sleeping after an hour into their nap, I discover why Mateo isn't (dirty diaper) and why Mary is (she is bottomless - yet again). But as I am trying to cover up the bare hiney with a diaper, I realize that she has peed her entire bed. Yet I am not dismayed...I can handle this... grab a towel and let her sleep on it. Unfortunately, sleeping beauty didn't get to finish her nap because thing 1 and thing 2 continued to talk and cry and not sleep during their nap....so hers ended up being cut short.
But still... I am strong... I encounter this on most days... not to worry. I can handle it.
Upon returning from the laundry (that I now must do...due to peed on linens) I find that a box of crackers has been ransacked with crumbs all over... (It wouldn't suprise me if they had climbed ontop of one another - making a human ladder - to reach them.) Stooping over to pick them up while stepping on them and grinding them into the ground...I gave up trying to pick up the crumbs and figured they'd eat the biggest pieces. (Mind you, they wouldn't be hungry if they had eaten just a small portion of the lunch I had given them.)
But while eating, I realize that Mary has something in her hand that isn't a cracker. God help me with this child....her and her bowl issues. Yep...poop. She has pooped and has stuck her hand into the back of her pants and now has it on her hand. STOP EVERYTHING. This is a priority and sanitization needs to happen. (again, this isn't the first time that Mary has done this)... but while trying to clean it, I realize that it is a bigger problem than normal and requires several, several wipes. But while doing this, I inadvertantly leave the dirty diaper in a plastic bag within reach of the other 2 and alas... it has now become a game of "keep away" from Mommy. Sigh.
I should have stopped then. But no, I didn't...and the rest of the afternoon was spent running after the trio who wanted to get into everything that was a "no no." I even bribed them with a trip to the park, but that still didn't help....
After a well eaten dinner (what can I say...who can resist taco bell?) we were off to play for a little bit before bed... and as I cleaned up dinner, I should have known that more awaited me. As I enter the room, I see another naked hiney...and the smell of something not good. Hudini is getting out of every taped diaper that I put on her... and this time, she took it off BEFORE she did her #2. (well, hello mom... you did give her taco bell for dinner!!) But this #2 was embedded into the carpet and into everything else that she has set her pretty little butt onto... including the couch. (Again, Mom...she was just following orders...you told all of them to get their butts onto the couch while you tried to clean up every ounce of poop that you could visibly see). I wish I had known that there was residual - or else I wouldn't have recommended that gathering place.
At this point, the mountain ahead of me was insurmountable and I caved. A woman can only take so much before she is broken... and the amount of poop that I had to clean today was the breaking point.
So tonight... after all the dishes, and high chairs and sippy cups have been washed, and the cleaning of poop and pee is done.....you can bet that even a few drinks and a hot bath won't ease the weariness in my stride and slump in my shoulders. But the hope that tomorrow might be a better day...well, we'll let you know tomorrow.
Man alive...they told me the toddler stage would be tough - but I didn't believe them.
Monday, January 19, 2009
a day in the life...
We haven't posted a "day in the life" lately.... and since I had a few good pics from this last week, I thought we'd share...
The kiddo's wake anywhere between 7 and 8am. But Mommy doesn't wake up until after 7:30...so guess who gets to "play quietly" in their cribs until it is time to wake up? (Ha...if only that were true.)
We eat breakfast and play between 8ish and 930.... trying to head out the door between 930am and 10am to whatever destination seems to be on the agenda for the day. Usually it is the gym where there is a "kidzone" - the kids love to play dress-up and ride bikes and use toys that they don't have at home.
By noon we are starting to eat lunch... with a nap to follow. They will nap anywhere from "no nap" to 1hour...to sometimes 2hours...- today it was almost 3hours for Mary and Mateo!
Up in the afternoon for more errands (grocery store, post office) or playtime around the house. In a previous post, you saw how much they love their new bounce house.
Lately, we have been waiting for Daddy to come home so we can eat dinner as a family. Dinner used to be around 5pm, but since we enjoy him being with us, we will wait until 6pm to eat.
Play and bath....and ready to bed between 730pm and 8pm!
If they day were this easy, I wouldn't mind doing it again and again....but add to it the drama of "mine" and "no" and kicks and screams.... but also a series of "hugs" and "kisses" and smiles and laughs.... it makes me come back for more and more.

Our thinker and communicator - nothing gets past Gabby. She loves to give the play-by-play on what is happening in the house. She is speaking in full sentences... a favorite being "uncle brett give gabby tigger" and "grammy give gabby blankie". Above, she is holding the pooh bear that "uncle brett gave mary pooh." She is all about doing EVERYTHING herself...down to putting on her shoes, coat - and holding the cup that the milk is being poured into. The other day, she had to de-shell her own edemamme pods. Amazing. Like Mary, she is starting to throw more fits if she doesn't get her way...immediately. She is small but mighty and often pushes/shoves/hits her way through her siblings. She is the one who is often heard yelling "mine."
Our boogie boy LOVES the camera. Whenever it is out, he is the first one to yell "cheese" and be quick with the smile. He enjoys watching tv and has an infectious giggle. He usually caves into his sisters and lets them take what he has... Like Mary, he loves to eat and really enjoys the fruits.. espcially oranges. His vocabulary, although slow at first, is building...with "airplane", "carwash" and "baby" being the most recent. He has a heart of gold.
The kiddo's wake anywhere between 7 and 8am. But Mommy doesn't wake up until after 7:30...so guess who gets to "play quietly" in their cribs until it is time to wake up? (Ha...if only that were true.)
We eat breakfast and play between 8ish and 930.... trying to head out the door between 930am and 10am to whatever destination seems to be on the agenda for the day. Usually it is the gym where there is a "kidzone" - the kids love to play dress-up and ride bikes and use toys that they don't have at home.
By noon we are starting to eat lunch... with a nap to follow. They will nap anywhere from "no nap" to 1hour...to sometimes 2hours...- today it was almost 3hours for Mary and Mateo!
Up in the afternoon for more errands (grocery store, post office) or playtime around the house. In a previous post, you saw how much they love their new bounce house.
Lately, we have been waiting for Daddy to come home so we can eat dinner as a family. Dinner used to be around 5pm, but since we enjoy him being with us, we will wait until 6pm to eat.
Play and bath....and ready to bed between 730pm and 8pm!
If they day were this easy, I wouldn't mind doing it again and again....but add to it the drama of "mine" and "no" and kicks and screams.... but also a series of "hugs" and "kisses" and smiles and laughs.... it makes me come back for more and more.
Trio enjoying an afternoon snack while watching a favorite - "veggie tales." Notice how the boy is enthralled in the show while the girls tend to aggrevate one another.
The girls LOVE to play dress-up... and mommy's slippers seem to be a favorite. And no, Mary isn't wearing any pants. The latest is to remove any clothing that we have on.

So "May-may" as she is called is the lovey one of the group. She will realize that she is doing something wrong (like attempting to hit mommy) and immediately stop what she is doing to give mommy a hug. She really does stop in her tracks and say the word "hug." (Who can stay angry at that?) She has her own language and talks it a few times a day. She still loves to throw a fit if she doesn't get want she wants and continues to be a good eater.... loving fruits and veggies... Her favorite word is "yeah" and she says it as though it was a no brainer.

Sunday, January 11, 2009
cardboard box
Just a few short weeks before Christmas, we got our hands on some bigger boxes.... never realized how much fun it could be!!!
Saturday, January 10, 2009
an interesting find
You know that when you hear two little girls giggling, it can't be good. Add to that a whiff of something bad (to put it nicely) and you SHOULD BE concerned.
This afternoon's nap was a treat (can you hear the sarcasm?)... the girls did not want to lay down for their nap. Well, Mary might have...if Gabby wouldn't have been prodding her to stay up and get into some mischief.
Anyway.... I had to intervene a few times before I was finally halted in my stride... two girls with naked hineys....and the smell of poop. Yep....they decided to take off their pants AND their diapers....and one of them had gone #2. I guess I should be grateful...the clean up could have been worse.
What is even more surprising is that they really do learn from each other... monkey see, monkey do - right? Not a 1/2hr later and the other one had again, taken off pants and diaper...and her diaper contained the nasty. Duct tape was required to leave subsequent diapers on the hiney.
Trying to look at the brightside.... maybe they will soon tell me about #2 BEFORE they start taking off their clothes....
This afternoon's nap was a treat (can you hear the sarcasm?)... the girls did not want to lay down for their nap. Well, Mary might have...if Gabby wouldn't have been prodding her to stay up and get into some mischief.
Anyway.... I had to intervene a few times before I was finally halted in my stride... two girls with naked hineys....and the smell of poop. Yep....they decided to take off their pants AND their diapers....and one of them had gone #2. I guess I should be grateful...the clean up could have been worse.
What is even more surprising is that they really do learn from each other... monkey see, monkey do - right? Not a 1/2hr later and the other one had again, taken off pants and diaper...and her diaper contained the nasty. Duct tape was required to leave subsequent diapers on the hiney.
Trying to look at the brightside.... maybe they will soon tell me about #2 BEFORE they start taking off their clothes....
bounce house
new blankets
Monday, January 5, 2009
"see you tomorrow, milk"
yes, even as we are walking up the stairs to bed, we need to say goodnight to every object in the house - the cars, the play area, our babies, and of course, the milk. Sometimes we include the cheese, but usually it is just the milk.
yes, even as we are walking up the stairs to bed, we need to say goodnight to every object in the house - the cars, the play area, our babies, and of course, the milk. Sometimes we include the cheese, but usually it is just the milk.
Friday, January 2, 2009
love my brother and sister
Although I don't expect the trio to break out into Barney's "I love you...you love me" song, they are starting to show signs of actually caring about one another. They apologize when they bite or hit another (why are they biting in the first place if they are sorry?) and ask where the other one is if they are out-of-sight... and they always need to make sure that things are fair. (If Gabby gets a back rub at night, you can bet your bottom dollar that Mary and Mateo are, too!)
They are changing before our eyes. You can actually ask them to "use their words" when they want something... and Gabby will always respond. For example, she blew me away tonight when I asked where the tv remote was. She responded: "remote behind you." What 2 year old can use the word "behind?" And of course, I turn around, and on the floor is the remote. Amazing. Mary is starting to understand the concept of "sharing" - we just need to keep on her about it... and Mateo is making leaps and bounds with his vocab and comprehension. In just a few short days time, he is linking 2 words together (finally) and is attempting to keep up with his sisters.
All of them love to sing the abc's (even Tato - as we lovingly call Mateo) and to count to 10. They play with each other (and independently) and don't seem to miss a beat with what is going on around.
Best of all, they are learning the concept of love...and there is nothing more rewarding than to get a hug and kiss and "luv you" from one of them.
They are changing before our eyes. You can actually ask them to "use their words" when they want something... and Gabby will always respond. For example, she blew me away tonight when I asked where the tv remote was. She responded: "remote behind you." What 2 year old can use the word "behind?" And of course, I turn around, and on the floor is the remote. Amazing. Mary is starting to understand the concept of "sharing" - we just need to keep on her about it... and Mateo is making leaps and bounds with his vocab and comprehension. In just a few short days time, he is linking 2 words together (finally) and is attempting to keep up with his sisters.
All of them love to sing the abc's (even Tato - as we lovingly call Mateo) and to count to 10. They play with each other (and independently) and don't seem to miss a beat with what is going on around.
Best of all, they are learning the concept of love...and there is nothing more rewarding than to get a hug and kiss and "luv you" from one of them.

yo-ke-iro taco bell
ok...so I never took spanish... but hopefully, you get the idea. (hint: remember the talking chihuahua from the taco bell comericals?) Anyway...the trio had their first taste of eating Taco Bell - straight from the taco itself. Interesting to see how they each took it in. Mateo enjoyed himself by eating the meat first. Gabby preferred to eat it bit by bit. And Mary, well, she attacked it head on...

triplets turn two!!!
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