The triplet's just didn't celebrate a happy birth"day" - they celebrated a happy birthweekend! We had party after party... hope you enjoy!

birthday morning..."we're excited because mommy is jumping up and down and is excited about something...hmmm...wonder what it is?"

"I just rec'd a phone call with my grammy & pa singing happy birthday to me and my siblings. Thank goodness for cell phones!"

"when are they going to serve me some food?"

"are you seriously wanting me to wear this cone hat? Can we just get on with it and serve the food?"

babies birthday lunch and first time with PIZZA! Luckily, Daddy was able to steal an hour and meet us for lunch!

"just give me the whole piece" (I am in a food competition with my brother and sissy)

party in the corral!!!

ahh....the most treasured prized possession... the cake. "let us at it!"

babies with mommy and daddy...

" finally...some sort of compensation for a hard day of work!"

"yep...i liked it"

"maybe if i pick at it long enough, it will go away"

"i can't get through my mountain of presents"

sissy's playing

sunday's party with aunt michele

mateo was doing everything possible to stay awake...moving from aunt michele back to uncle jeremy!

"who needs to open more presents when I have daddy as a captive audience?"

michele and gabby

"augh...more cake?? and what is that thing on it this time?"

"is it some sort of handle?"

"who cares? just eat it!!!"