The triplets had a wonderful Christmas at home visiting family in Cleveland! They were spoiled by presents, and fun...but most importantly, love. It was wonderful to see everyone and experience the holiday "cheer" with family and friends!
We also got to meet our new cousin, Joseph Henry, born 12/21/07.
And through sickness (Gabby caught the flu and all three have runny, snotty noses) and extreme tiredness, we made it back home to C'ville, safe and sound.
Happy New Year everyone!!!

Mary bundled up for a trip out in the cold.

Gabbby's mood changed once she was out-doors...she actually liked the cold air!

Mateo bundled up.

Cousins playing at Aunt Hilary's house with Pa.

Grammy & Mateo

Uncle Mike, Aunt Alysia and Mateo

Cousin Thomas & Mary

Mary & Gabby getting into mischief at the Garcia's...

Christmas Eve at Aunt Hilary's....

Uncle Brett & Gabby

Grammy & lil' Joe

Uncle Jeremy & Mateo and Mary

Gabby & Mommy

Uncle Mike, Lolo, Lola, and Daddy