Do you know what is worse than a baby that has a cold? That's right... three babies with runny noses WHILE teething! Can't get much better than that, can it?
But lucky for the Garcia household, Aunt Liz & Uncle Jimmy arrived just in time (literally). The babies first night of terror was Tuesday night, right as our guests arrived. Every two hours Mateo and Gabby switched roles of who could (and would) scream the loudest. But this didn't stop us from having some fun filled days.
THANK YOU very much to Aunt Liz and Uncle Jimmy for jumping right in there and helping take care of the trio. The weather was nice, we got a lot of fresh air (with some good stroller rides...4 miles, yikes!), and had quite a few laughs (and yes, Jen's cooking was one of them!)

Aunt Liz with Gabby, and Mateo

Mateo (looking a little tipsy?)

Uncle Jim with Mary- "ta da"

Aunt Liz, Uncle Jimmy, and trio at the Apple festival. (Yes, we did go and pick some apples!)

gabby is the worm!

mary is the worm....

mateo is the "EVIL" worm... what kind of face is that? Ahhh...his "roar" face. Mateo has taken a liking to "roaring" at us...

Uncle Jim with Gabby and one of Jeremy & Michele's cats.

You know that you made a good meal when your guest falls asleep at the dinner table.

Uncle Jeremy with Mary and Aunt Michele with Mateo

Aunt Liz with Gabby

Jet (Michele's horse), Aunt Liz and Mary. (the other two were sleeping and missed out on seeing Jet!)

Aunt Liz with the trio

Uncle Jimmy, Aunt Liz and trio

Gabby, Mateo and Mary... ahhh... sisterly love (mateo is thinking... LET ME OUT!)