"I like mine with....well, with cheese...and that's it. And of course a sesame seed bun. And LOTS of fries."
Hi everyone! Mommy and Daddy took us out for cheeseburgers in celebration of our 10mo birthday! We went to this really good (and greasey) burger place called "Five Guys" and had a great time eating our cheeseburger, fries, and banana. (We have come a long way since that yucky pork and greenbean combo mommy made us eat.)
We are all doing VERY good. (Although last night we woke up a lot from 2am to 5am...but mommy doesn't care...she doesn't need
that much sleep anyway, right?) Check out the below pic's to see what we did this weekend.
Love, The Trips

The trips at 5 guys.

"let me help you get that in my mouth, dad" - Mateo

"where's the food?" - gabby

(lip smack, smack, smack) - just a residual cheeseburger on the face - mary

Mary in what we call the "pit" (trunk of the minivan) while daddy changes mateo.

10mo picture - outside on the hill side!

with mommy...(gabby decided she didn't like the feeling of grass)

"I want to crawl...really, I do...I just can't get all the pieces together yet... but I love trying!" - mateo

"I'm a big girl - look at me stand!!! - mary

all three of us together!

playtime with the "ring" (aka hoola-hoop). When was the last time you hooped?