Monday, October 29, 2007

happy halloween

We award Mommy some points for attempting to do something to celebrate the hallows season. (Although she was a bit cheezy and lacked creativity.) Thank you to Aunt M for the bibs and to Grammy for the stuffed pumpkins... they "made" the picture!

Next year, for sure, we will dress up as something fantastic!!!!!

Happy Halloween everyone!


To say that nights have been rough in the Garcia household is putting it lightly. (Just ask our recent visitors!!) Colds, cutting teeth, and just plain crankiness have forced the Garcia's to take drastic (and sleepless) measures... (i.e. rocking the baby back to sleep or allowing them (gulp) to sleep with mom and dad!) We feared that we would never find sleep again!

So, it should go without saying that I was extremely SHOCKED a few mornings ago to find the below. After putting all awake (yes, they were all wide awake) children into the cribs with some toys at 6am, I expected to get maybe another 15min of shut eye....and to my amazement... at 7:30am I jumped up and ran into the nursery to find all three asleep!!! Even with limited space, Gabby and Mary found enough room to share the crib. (And yes, we still try to get them to go back to bed at 6am. Who gets up that early??!?)

UPDATE: Last night was the first night in a long, long, long time that all 3 slept through the night. Is the end to sleepless nights in sight? Ahem... I don't think so!! ;)

Thursday, October 25, 2007

cousin thomas comes to vist!

Aunt Hilary, Uncle Rob, cousin Thomas and Uncle Brett came to visit with us this past weekend. We were blessed with wonderful weather and had a great time!!!

Uncle Brett with trip girls and Aunt Hilary with mateo

Thomas is "in da house!"
Family visit over at Jeremy & Michele's!

The Keberdle family (with baby J in the belly).... (awwwwww how cute?!?!?)


Mary is in awe of her big cousin Thomas.... (is it awe or fear?)

"STOP! I say...." (they don't seem to be listening)

Uncle Rob, Aunt Hil and Mateo (boys are soooo silly!)

Thomas... "I got your belly, Mateo!"

Mateo... "I got you back, Thomas!" (Mateo is a fiesty one!)

Thomas having fun...

"hello? - Mary, it's for you!"

Uncle Brett with Mary...

Sisters.... 2x over! (gabby, stop moving!!! you are making the picture blurry...)

bath time

Lou and I "braved" ourselves and put all 3 in the tub at once! (I was told that I could get away with naked baby pictures until they were 1 year, I covered up the boy part!)

the future drs' garcia

Aunt Cinda & Uncle Adam gave us these adorable "future doctor" outfits that mommy couldn't resist dressing us in...even if we still aren't big enough yet!

take 1 (sigh)

take 2 (will they ever sit still for one second?)

take 3 - finally...even if Mateo has found a foreign object to put in his mouth....

Tuesday, October 16, 2007

visit with Aunt Liz & Uncle Jim

Do you know what is worse than a baby that has a cold? That's right... three babies with runny noses WHILE teething! Can't get much better than that, can it?

But lucky for the Garcia household, Aunt Liz & Uncle Jimmy arrived just in time (literally). The babies first night of terror was Tuesday night, right as our guests arrived. Every two hours Mateo and Gabby switched roles of who could (and would) scream the loudest. But this didn't stop us from having some fun filled days.

THANK YOU very much to Aunt Liz and Uncle Jimmy for jumping right in there and helping take care of the trio. The weather was nice, we got a lot of fresh air (with some good stroller rides...4 miles, yikes!), and had quite a few laughs (and yes, Jen's cooking was one of them!)

Aunt Liz with Gabby, and Mateo

Mateo (looking a little tipsy?)

Uncle Jim with Mary- "ta da"

Aunt Liz, Uncle Jimmy, and trio at the Apple festival. (Yes, we did go and pick some apples!)

gabby is the worm!

mary is the worm....

mateo is the "EVIL" worm... what kind of face is that? Ahhh...his "roar" face. Mateo has taken a liking to "roaring" at us...

Uncle Jim with Gabby and one of Jeremy & Michele's cats.

You know that you made a good meal when your guest falls asleep at the dinner table.

Uncle Jeremy with Mary and Aunt Michele with Mateo

Aunt Liz with Gabby

Jet (Michele's horse), Aunt Liz and Mary. (the other two were sleeping and missed out on seeing Jet!)

Aunt Liz with the trio

Uncle Jimmy, Aunt Liz and trio

Gabby, Mateo and Mary... ahhh... sisterly love (mateo is thinking... LET ME OUT!)

Tuesday, October 9, 2007

cheeseburger in paradise....

"I like mine with....well, with cheese...and that's it. And of course a sesame seed bun. And LOTS of fries."

Hi everyone! Mommy and Daddy took us out for cheeseburgers in celebration of our 10mo birthday! We went to this really good (and greasey) burger place called "Five Guys" and had a great time eating our cheeseburger, fries, and banana. (We have come a long way since that yucky pork and greenbean combo mommy made us eat.)

We are all doing VERY good. (Although last night we woke up a lot from 2am to 5am...but mommy doesn't care...she doesn't need that much sleep anyway, right?) Check out the below pic's to see what we did this weekend.

Love, The Trips

The trips at 5 guys.

"let me help you get that in my mouth, dad" - Mateo

"where's the food?" - gabby

(lip smack, smack, smack) - just a residual cheeseburger on the face - mary

Mary in what we call the "pit" (trunk of the minivan) while daddy changes mateo.

10mo picture - outside on the hill side!

with mommy...(gabby decided she didn't like the feeling of grass)

"I want to crawl...really, I do...I just can't get all the pieces together yet... but I love trying!" - mateo

"I'm a big girl - look at me stand!!! - mary

all three of us together!

playtime with the "ring" (aka hoola-hoop). When was the last time you hooped?

Wednesday, October 3, 2007

trip to Cleveland...the Garcia's

We had a wonderful time visiting with our Lola (grandma), Lolo (grandpa) and Auntie Christine.

Garcia family
Tita Christine - holding down the fort!

Lolo & Mary

Tita & Mateo

Lola & Gabby

Uncle Rob, Mary, Thomas and Mateo (clockwise...left to right)

feeding time!
do you see the resemblence??????