Little Miss Abby is too smart for her own good. As the days and weeks go by, I notice her "thinking" and making changes in her behavior to correspond with what she has learned. Just to name a few:
Sippy cup no more. Abby refuses to drink out of a sippy (which alleviates spills and messes) unless she is really tired, or really, really thirsty and not up for a fight. But normally, she insists upon drinking out a regular kid cup, or even Mommy's cup!

I have also noticed that she recognizes when I "count" the number of time we can rock in her chair before nap/bedtime. She would rock all night, if I let her. So I had started to count the rocks to her a deadline. By the third night, when I started to count, she started yelling "no!" and dug her legs into me as I neared the number 7. There went that idea... (Guess who is back to rocking her for 15min ?)
She also knows when she is going potty in her diaper... and depending on her mood, will either run away from me when I try to change her... or run to me, so that I can help her get clean!