A smile creeps across my lips as I search for the below picture. Eleven months old. Was that even possible- that they were that small at one time? I know pictures prove it, but my memory fails me. I vaguely remember setting up this picture at Penn Park, in Charlottesville, VA... trying to get the leaves together by hand, as I kept a swift eye on crawling babies... and trying to grab that one SECOND where they all stayed in place at the same time, so I could get the picture. (And in all honesty, I probably had to doctor this picture because someone's eyes were shut.) Ahh... I guess that not much has changed in that respect. Although I had helpers make the leaf pile this year, I still had to alter the picture a little to make sure all eyes were on the camera.
Happy Fall, everyone!

Nov., 2007 (triplets were 11mo)

Nov., 2011 (triplets just shy of age 5)