This past week was a busy one....and things won't slow down anytime soon. Mateo (along with the girls) came down with an upper respiratory infection which required several visits to the doctor. He is on breathing treatments with a nebulizer until our follow-up appointment this coming week. The girls ended up with just fevers that have now broken.
Lou leaves for a medical conference on Tuesday and will be gone for a week as I prepare for our first set of guests, Aunt Liz & Uncle Jimmy. Alone with the trio for the week- wish me luck.
With all the upcoming distractions (Mateo's lung surgery being 6/11 - he is having a lobectomy to remove the part with cysts), I am not sure I will be able to post as often over the next few I want to do a quick summary of the babies as we near their 18mo mark. (18mo pictures from Sears to follow in the next few weeks.)

1 year ago - babies at age 6mo. Mary, Gabby & Mateo

Mateo Michael. Will you ever walk? You keep teasing us with your 3 step advances...and your slow, but steady "standing on your own." Your phase of throwing food on the floor seems to be subsiding (fingers crossed) and you love to drink fruit smoothies. You can finally sign the word "more" and have caught up to your sisters in knowing where your nose and toes are. You HATE to take naps...and need Mommy to rock you to sleep or rub your back. You are the biggest flirt with your mouthful of choppers and deep dimples. You light up the room when you smile and continue to wave "hello" with your hand facing yourself. You have the awful habit of pulling your sisters' hair and laughing when you get into trouble. You aren't detered when you can't do something and follow the motto "try, try, again." You love to talk gibberish and play with your sisters. I am waiting for you to say your official first word.

Mary Mistica. Mare-bear. Mary Misty. How is it that we have so many nick-names for you? Your brown eyes stare so deeply into ours... You are quite the passionate child. We know when you are happy, and we definitely know when you are sad. You have the biggest crocodile tears that I have ever seen...and they linger, even when you have stopped crying. You are an excellent eater and sleeper. You have the bad habit of thinking that you can have any toy that you want, at that moment - even if it means grabbing it out of your siblings hands. You know your body parts (head, nose, toes, belly) and can say "sissy" and "ball." We are working on other words, although you really don't show an interest... you rather be playing or bull-dozing over your sister and brother. You love to drink your warm milk at night and cooperate fully to having your teeth brushed. You have a smile that melts everyones heart.

Gabrielle Loreta. You are still our itty bitty. How is it that you can still wear 12mo clothes, but eat at the rate of your brother and sister? You are one smart cookie. Not only do you know your body parts (head, eyes, nose, belly toes) but you are eager to learn more, like shoulders and knees. You listen when Mommy talks and you try to help out as much as possible. You can saw words like "yeah" and "no", "ball" and "baby" , "more" - and you mean them. You may be the smallest, but you are the fiestiest. No one can hold you back from what you want to do....and you play hardball with both your brother and sister. You need to be rocked to sleep at night, and still sleep in your swing during naps (good thing you haven't exceeded the weight restriction.) You have a special blanket (actually, several favorite blankies) and like to sleep with any stuffed animal. You are starting to walk on your tip-toes. You find many things to be funny and your laugh is contagious to your brothers and sisters.
All of you know how to give kisses (even if it is "blowing" them) and hugs... and you enjoy the attention we get from friends, neighbors, and even the strangers when we go for walks. You all like to have mommy sing songs (poor people listening) and love to dance around to music. But most of all, you are all happy babies...and mommy is very lucky to have you.