I can't even remember when I snapped these shots....(but it doesn't look like it was toooo long ago!) The trio turn 16mo today. I can't believe it... middle of the first round of double digits - where does the time go?
We are still on the sick side....runny noses, high fevers... is there an end in sight??? (Who knows, but there is relief in sight... Lolo and Lola Garcia arrive tomorrow for a week long visit. And boy, are they in for some surprises!)

Gabby LOVES to drink milk. And climb. She is my true climber. I snapped this just after she had climbed into the cabinet.

Mary is my photogenic one. She loves to pose for the camera. We call her our "filipino princess."

The one who used to be laid back - is no longer. He will do anthing to keep from lying still or following directions...and he knows it. He has a sly smile when he knows that he is getting into "forbidden" territory. Although he isn't quite walking on his own yet, crawling doesn't stop him from getting into every nook and cranny there is!