I am sure many of you are familiar with the famous hot dog eating champion,
Takeru Kobayashi.... and I think that I may have a child that can compete with the best of them! I have never seen food inhaled so fast. Before my fingers touch the top of the high chair table, the food has vanished. (And nope, it hasn't slipped onto the floor or on the seat!) There is no methodology to the eating...it is just "double fisted get inside my mouth as fast as possible".

Mary, our timed-food eating champion. Just juice is left on her plate. She could care less about how much ends up on her face or clothes...or what the aftermath looks like. I honestly don't know if she is ever full....

Note how clean Gabby's tray top is. The food is still separated in little piles! She is prim and proper while she eats...and MUST have a drink to sip in between bites.

I thought Mateo was our human garbage disposal and would give Mary a run for her money...but alas, he has started to wind down on his food consumption and is more interested in squeezing the avocado to see how it "feels" versus actually eating it.