I took the babies into the doctor's office today for special shots - they help fight an infection called RSV. (It is a montly shot...so I am not looking forward to this winter season! Mateo received the shot last year and it was so nice and easy going to
Augustine Oaks - our ped's office in FL. We rec'vd the royal treatment there and I wish I could relocate them to C'ville!)
Didn't mean to get off the track...they weighed the babies at today's appt...see below! (And I guess I shouldn't be surprised, now that they eat regular human food - eggplant, avacado's, cheese, tofu, crackers, applesauce, etc (okay, so throw some pudding in there, too!) PLUS take in 26oz of milk each day, and other jars of baby food!)

Mary Misty weighs 20lbs, 7oz

Gabrielle (still nick-named "itty bitty") weighs 17lbs

Mateo "I will eat anything" weighs 21 lbs, 10oz!

The babies go CRAZY when Lou gets to come home from work early and spend time with them. They literally are all smiles when he walks in the room!