There seems to be some concern as to what I am feeding my children...(and I don't blame you, based on the previous post!) But before you call me in to children's services... you should know that I have tried to add some fun foods to the mix!
Behold the infamous "mini" banana's!
For those of you who don't know what a mini banana is.... it is a banana that is about 3" in length and tastes pretty much like a banana...just smaller. Since the babies like the bigger chiquitas, I thought they would get a kick out of having their own personal one. Contrary to what I thought...see below.

size is smaller than an apple!

"Ok, Mom...I'll try it. Yummmm" - Gab

"Let me naw on this a bit to see if it is okay" - Mateo

"Blah! Augh- yuck- how am I supposed to swallow this thing??" - Mateo

"Ehh. What the hell is this? I don't know about this...Mom. It looks pretty weird." - Mary

"Mary, it's a like banana's." - Mom.
"Oh, yeah...that's right. okay Mom." - Mary.