We finally have made it up to VA and wanted to let everyone know that we made it...safe and sound. The babies did a great job on the 12hr drive... (I am soooo proud of them!)
We are in the midst of boxes and the usual "moving" stuff...(i.e. that includes having the cabinet moved higher up so that the fridge can fit under it, hot water (yikes!) figuring out how to pull Lou's car into a driveway that has a major dip (which scrapes the bottom of the volvo) - oh, and electrcity in our bathroom!) Not to mention fighting with the phone co. to give us back the number they gave us weeks ago (which we printed on cards to be mailed out) and to turn our phone on... (and on and on and on)
As soon as we get settled (how long will that take?!?!?!) I will post some pictures from the move and of the new house.
Hope everyone is doing well!!!!