Yesterday, the 20th of May, was exactly a year from when we found out we were having triplets! I can't believe a whole year has gone by already!
We still are having computer CLEVE pictures are still to come...but to tide you over, here are some from this past week.
Trio is doing just fine...although cranky at times...we think.... from cutting teeth.

"Do you really have to keep posting pictures of me eating? I can do MUCH MORE than just eat! "- Mary

"I LOVE being naked!" - Mateo

"Just mintes before, I was screaming...but when Mommy brings out the camera, I am ALL smiles" - Gabby with Daddy

"Dad...take the dang picture already. Mom smells and I can't handle this hat anymore! I think she put it on wrong, because I look like a girl!!" - Mateo

"This is the best that Mom and Dad can do when trying to get a group shot?"