At our 11wk appointment last week, we found out that we have doubled our weight! Mary was 9.9lbs, Mateo was 9.5lbs, and Itty-bitty Gabby was 9.3lbs! Way to go babies!!!

"mom this is not quite the most comfortable position...."

"yes, I am a happy baby - especially when Daddy is holding me!" - Gab

"Hmmm let me think about this for a I want to stretch, cry, or eat?" - Mary

"Mom... a little help please??? My head is too heavy and chubby to lift on my own.." - Mary

"Mary, I have no problems lifting MY head" - Gab

"If I stay low enough, maybe I will scooch under all of their radar and not get caught up in all the "girl" drama!!" - Mateo