Tuesday, May 28, 2013

Goodbye Uncle Jim

My Uncle Jim passed away suddenly a few weeks ago.  He had really started to become a "known" figure to not just the trio, but Abby as well.  My uncle would often accompany his sister (my Aunt Liz) on visits with me and the kiddo's...  even all the way to Virgina!  (seen below.) 

We will miss him greatly on this earth - but he was a sincerely good, and honest man... a man of Christ, and I know that he is always looking down and inspiring us to do MORE. 

We love you, Uncle Jim


 There is nothing that Abby loves more than her siblings!  She can't wait to walk them to school and anticipates their arrival in the afternoon.  She is fun-loving and happy-go-lucky and is a joy to every life she touches.  


Mateo will always be a sweet, caring boy.  My favorite part about waking the trio up so early for school is that I know I will get a hug as Mateo slowly wakes up.  (It is almost like second nature to him.)

We have tackled his seasonal allergies and fingers crossed - seem to have them under control.  He prefers to play on the computer, video games, or legos - rather than be outside- but can be persuaded if a sword fight is forth coming.

Mateo LOVES music... and whether he is singing or listening, or composing a score of his own.. you will find him doing a beat.  (Above song is a rendition of "This girl is on fire.")


Gabby loves to HAM IT UP!  Whether it is posing for a picture, or making up songs... Gabs is the one leading the show.  She is mighty, and fierce and loves to be chased by the boys.  (And yes, I hear about the boy chasing almost daily.) 

Gabby is usually the first to help out... and the most diligent at following through on a task.  She is pretty outgoing and we usually have to make a stop every time we are out for her to say "hi" to someone she knows!


Mary has lost two teeth within the last two weeks!  Fortunately, the tooth fairy was able to locate each tooth and leave a monetary present.  (Gabby, on the other hand, didn't fare so well.)

Mary is our fashionista- down to the hair style and type of clothes that she wears.  She loves to accessorize and has started the sisters on wearing stickers as earrings. 

She has also recently started to show a more sensitive side - with hugs, kisses, and whispers of love.

ok... so March has come and gone...

and I still have yet to blog- two months later!  As you may (or may not) be able to imagine, my time is not my own and continually slips away from me.  God knows when I will actually be able to look through the vacation pictures.  I can assure you it was a fun-filled time in Disney and FL... with memories that would last a life time. 

this picture was taken in May 2013, when the kiddo's had a dress down day at school due to the heat.  I chuckle to myself and appreciate each ones unique style!

So.. as for our time, we spend it doing homework, playing piano (which the trio are doing awesomely! (is that even a word?)) , taekwondo (blue belt status already), soccer practice and games... and trying to just be a kid.  Throw in there some extra TLC for Daddy who had ACL surgery on 5/1, and our days are crammed packed.