Friday, December 21, 2012

First Browns Game... woof woof!

 We were extremely lucky that our first Browns game - in December, in no less- was met with pretty decent weather.  We stayed for the whole game... mostly dry... with full bellies.  And to top it off, the Browns won!  Woo Hoo! 

Tooth Fairy- where are you?

Gabby is the first of the trio to lose her tooth... it was an exciting day for us!


(and to cure your curiosity, the going rate for a first lost tooth is $1)

Happy 6th Birthday Trio!

 Tsk, Tsk... Jen... you missed your sweet trio's birthday on the blog!

We celebrated our 6TH birthday with SEVERAL birthday parties.  First, our good friend, Miss Cherryle, took us out for haircuts and a special dinner- complete with our own cakes.


Then, we had our special friends, the Higgins, Bryda's, and Keberdle's meet us at one of our favorite places - Chuck E Cheese for a night on the town.


Then, it was a party at playground world for our school friends....

 And finally... just last week we celebrated with our cousins and aunts and uncles as we combined a party to celebrate Joe turning 5!  How sweet six is!!!

the best part of Costco?

The best part of Costco isn't the savings from buying in bulk... it is the free samples of FOOD that we get to enjoy at each and every visit. 

movin' on up in taekwondo!

The trio have advanced to the green/black belt skill level in taekwondo!  I am so proud of how much they retain and how hard they work each week...

Monday, December 3, 2012

new age rock band

I love the hats and scarfs... the video is actually pretty funny but blogger is giving me a hard time uploading...


gabs showing some sass!

check out the scarf... and the poise!

giving thanks

 Thanksgiving 2012 was a great time with the family... we especially enjoyed some warm weather and lots of fun with the Keberdle cousins!