Lately, I have been finding myself saying that I feel as though I am raising quads, and not triplets + 1. Abby has jumped right into the midst of her siblings...following them around when they play and trying to imitate what they say and how they eat.
I am so sad to see that my baby is no where near being a baby, yet alone a two-year old. Today, she tried to carry on a conversation with me when I called home.. and although I felt like I was in a laurel & hardy rendition of "whose on first,", I could make out the
gist of our conversation. But it gets worse. She can open a
babybel cheese all by herself! (For those that don't know what this is, it is those
circular cheeses that are covered in red wax where you have to grab the white tape strip and pull down hard so as to separate the red wax from the cheese. But first, you have to remove the plastic wrapper that is around the wax. Not an easy task, I say.) Mateo still needs a little help with these... but not my Abby. "Myself!"
She also needs to sit at the big table (no more high chair) and use a fork to eat... a big fork, not a kid fork. And not a kid plate. Glass plates for her. But she
doesn't stop there. She needs to pass herself the plate of food (i.e.
tomatoes, or a bowl of corn) and dish the food onto HER plate, and then pick the plate or bowl up, and pass it along. She is TWO!!!
amazes me every second of every day. If she
sees a boo-boo on my hand, she has to stop and kiss it. If she sees her siblings playing a game on the
wii, she has to grab a chair, pull it over to the game, and sit down to watch. If they sing she has to join in.
...and while her independence is extremely noteworthy and exciting, I am sobbing inside because my baby is gone.