Sunday, March 20, 2011


Mateo says to Lou today, "Daddy, can we go to 'clearance'?" Lou asked him to explain... "the place with the red circle.." "Oh," says Daddy... "you mean Target."
What Lou doesn't realize is that somehow... I have taught Mateo the true meaning of the dollar. You don't buy anything at Target unless it is on clearance!
(should I be embarrassed about this?? well, maybe a little.....)

Tuesday, March 15, 2011

getting bigger...growing older

Time and time again I write about how quickly the kiddo's are growing... but with each passing minute and day, I am constantly reminded at how much they've grown and how far we've come.
Take 14mo old (today) she knows how to "hamm up" the place. She is expressive, joyful, and definitely knows what she wants. The best thing about teaching her the sign language word "more" was for us to know when she wanted more to eat... and the worst thing is... her wanting more to eat! Lucky for us, she knows how to apply the sign to more than just food... drink, play, and even the flashing of the camera. (She is quite fond of getting her picture taken.) Being able to look up to her brother and sisters has forced her to grow up faster than ever!
And the trio... with their grown-up conversations throughout the day. Today, for example, Gabby was complaining how cold it is here and how we need to find another place to live that isn't quite so cold! (Right on, my dear little one!) But the straight-forward-ness of her thoughts reminds me of how simple life could (and should, often) be. Mateo's "holy moly" expression because he was excited about something today sent me reeling with laughter... and Mary's insistence on wearing dresses (that don't quite cover her hiney) and tights help keep the perspective that beauty is in the eye of the beholder. (Of course we don't need to match!)
I am so blessed to have these constant moments throughout my day!
mateo's leftover eggs are yummy!!!
star of the show
daddy's pride and joy

Saturday, March 12, 2011

still afloat

We are still a-float at the Garcia house... just very, very busy. I will try to snag some time in the near future to post some new pictures....and even though they aren't changing that much in their appearance, the trio are growing up so very fast. They now will argue, negotiate, and make demands... just like adults, but miniature. It is amazing to see how their minds work and what comes out of their mouths! Just other night, when I had reached my exasperation point and yelled out "I am trying to be a good mother", Mary retorted "well, you aren't!" Comes with the territory, I guess.

Abby is still not walking, although lately she will take our hands and attempt to walk... and she likes to pull herself up and furniture walk. She is eating more than the trio - which is both good and bad. At almost 14mo, I am near a point where I may have to start pulling out the 24mo clothes!

Videos of the trio are my favorite and I am a little disapointed in blogger right now for not allowing me to upload. The trio love to stand on the fireplace hearth, using it as a stage, and sing their hearts out... fantastic!