We are still a-float at the Garcia house... just very, very busy. I will try to snag some time in the near future to post some new pictures....and even though they aren't changing that much in their appearance, the trio are growing up so very fast. They now will argue, negotiate, and make demands... just like adults, but miniature. It is amazing to see how their minds work and what comes out of their mouths! Just other night, when I had reached my exasperation point and yelled out "I am trying to be a good mother", Mary retorted "well, you aren't!" Comes with the territory, I guess.
Abby is still not walking, although lately she will take our hands and attempt to walk... and she likes to pull herself up and furniture walk. She is eating more than the trio - which is both good and bad. At almost 14mo, I am near a point where I may have to start pulling out the 24mo clothes!
Videos of the trio are my favorite and I am a little
disapointed in blogger right now for not allowing me to upload. The trio love to stand on the fireplace hearth, using it as a stage, and sing their hearts out... fantastic!